Selected Portfolio

The Royal BC Museum

gold-01L’Estany worked with a half dozen curators to create all display text for the RBCM’s International Gold Rush: El Dorado in BC exhibit. Text included over 75 panels, interactive stations, labels, and a welcome website. In 2016 the exhibition traveled to China and Ottawa.

L’Estany also created text for the new 100 Objects of Interest and Articles for the RBCM’s online Learning Portal.


The RBCM’s Natural History Gallery text was in need of a refreshment.

L’Estany worked to provide a top level story that could provide overarching meaning and a sense of the journey through time and space in the Province of BC.


The RBCM needed text for a travelling Species at Risk exhibit, meant to encourage BC families to learn about the importance of the province’s biodiversity and how to protect it. L’Estany provided main level text as well as a top level comic that could ask the hard questions about species at risk – What would you save?

The Nature Conservancy of Canada


L’Estany worked with NCC to create outdoor interpretive panels for three of their wilderness sites in the central Okanagan, the West Kootanays and on Vancouver Island, telling the story of protected areas, wilderness corridors and endangered ecosystems.

The Capital Regional District

crd-01L’Estany worked with the CRD for several years, creating interpretive text for parks signage, brochures and displays, as well as acting as head writer for three website constructions/redesigns.

Rocketday Arts

rocketday-02L’Estany has worked with Rocketday Arts on many projects, most recently on designing educational signage for The City of Delta, BC, and scripting for Luke Marsden’s website. Marsden is a First Nations sculptor commissioned to build a piece for Vancouver’s Stanley Park.